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Chemical management

Learn about the ways we keep our chemical usage safe

Our goal is to become a world leader in the field of safe chemicals. Activities related to REACH and other chemical regulations are taking place in every part of our business, including manufacturing, parts and accessories. 


REACH is the European regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals. It came into force in 2007 to ensure the safety of chemicals used in manufacturing, and placed on the market.

We are working with our business partners to ensure they understand and respect their duties under REACH. In addition to substance registration, other REACH obligations may apply, depending on the types and quantities of chemicals we are using or placing on the market. Such obligations are communication down in the supply chain, notification, authorization and restriction.

Other chemical regulations

The general rules for producing, importing and using chemicals within the EU are set by REACH. However, REACH is complemented by other EU legislation such as CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging), BPR (Biocidal Products Regulation) or those on nano-materials. Also, besides the European Regulations on chemicals, other regions such as North America and Asia are introducing their own regulations. Therefore, we are making sure to cooperate with all our business partners to manage our supply chain and meet overall compliance requirments.


Article 33 of the REACH Regulation states that customers must be informed about the presence of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in our products. Find your vehicle information in the list below: